C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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HEADER: documentation file - FUNCS.DOC
DATE: 5/1/90
DESCRIPTION: documentation of procedure calls for windows routines -
functions are grouped in related 'families'
KEYWORDS: windows, keyboard, mouse, text, graphics, expanded memory, menus;
SYSTEM: MS-DOS v3.0, probably works with v2.0 but untested;
AUTHOR: David Blum
COMPILERS: Turbo C v2.0, Microsoft C v5.1
/*--------------------- Initialization routines ----------------*
* winit, deskview, 50line mode, SysRq,
* palette and clock routines
/*! winit ()
* Set a video mode. Open a full screen window.
* Parms: newmode = 'T' or 'G' to set text or graphics.
* On VGA, in graphics mode, selects mode 0x12 (=640x480)
void winit ( char newmode );
/*! winit_pages()
* Sets a video mode and opens a full screen window.
* Also clears video memory for the higher pages
* (may contain garbage otherwise)
* and provides for mouse use for multiple pages (Hercules monitors)
* On VGA, selects mode 0x10 (=640x350)
void winit_pages ( char newmode );
/* wdvinit()
* Initialization code for DeskView aware programming.
* Call this routine immediately after call to winit()
* ...ie, BEFORE any direct screen writes.
* Incompatible with multiple page display (winit_pages)
* Tested only in text mode, one page. untested in all graphics modes.
* RETURNS: 0 = not a DeskView task
* non_0 = a DeskView task (#is DeskView (major) version number
int wdvinit (void);
/* w50line()
* SET VGA 50 (EGA 43) line video mode, or restore 25-line mode.
* PARAMETERS: want_50 = 0 (OFF) to restore 25-line mode
* non-0 to set 50/43 line modes
* RETURNS: 0 if new mode is 25 line mode (ie, call failed)
* non-0 if new mode is 50/43 line mode (call succeeded)
* 1) when switching from 25 to 50 line mode the first time,
* the program clears the lower 25 lines (or 18 lines EGA)
* to the color of the current window.
* 2) MOUSE movement is changed to match new screen size.
* 3) 25 line mode automatically restored on exit() or return from main()
* 4) Multiple pages are supported, and size of page is changed.
* but page numbers will be wrong for any old windows above page 0.
* ALSO, number of pages reduced in 50 line mode from 8 to 4.
* (be sure to recheck wlastpage)
* (usually not a problem if you didn't specifically turn it ON)
* 6) When switching from 50-line mode to 25 line mode,
* windows displayed below line #24 will be invisible,
* but still saved on the screen.
int w50line ( int want_50 );
/* w_ega_color()
* tells you if an ega card is connected to a monochrome or color monitor.
* useful if wmonitor =='E', which is an EGA
* cannot tell if an VGA is connected to a color or gray-scale monitor
* and cannot tell what kind of monitor is connected to a CGA
* RETURNS: OFF if monochrome monitor (or Hercules or MDA)
* ON if VGA, EGA/color, or CGA
int w_ega_color(void);
/* palette routines
* wsetpalette() sets the EGA/VGA palette from 17-byte save area.
* wgetpalette() gets palette data into 17-byte save area
* The palette is 17 bytes, ie 16 colors and a border color
* valid color choices are 0-255.
* default is border =0, colors 0 to 15 = 0 to 15.
* unsigned char palette[17] = array of 17 bytes to hold palette data.
* RETURNS: void.
void wsetpalette( unsigned char palette[17] );
void wgetpalette( unsigned char palette[17] );
/* wSysRrq_install() and remove.
* Sys Rq interrupt handler - on AT and PS/2 or newer XTs only
* When user presses SysRq (=ALT_PrintScreen), an interrupt is generated.
* This can be used as a replacement for CTRL_, which is ignored
* The routines describe here install/remove an interrupt handler
* (and install an atexit() routine to remove same handler)
* wSysRq_install ():
* PARAMETERS: u_func is a function to be called when SysRq is pressed.
* should be prototyped as 'void u_func(void)'
* RETURNS: void. Program halts if unsuccessful.
* wSysRq_remove ():
* removes any existing SysRq interrupt handler.
* wSysRq_ask ():
* a sample interrupt handler. Asks 'Do you want to quit?'
* example:
* winit ('T');
* wSysRq_install ( wSysRq_ask );
* ...
* 1) ONLY available in TurboC version.
* 2) BE CAREFUL HOW YOU COMPILE THIS ROUTINE. See source file wsysrq.c
* 2) You may have to increase the stack size...
* if your use a complex function as your SysRq handler.
* 3) Your interrupt routine will be ignored
* ...when running as a virtual task under DeskView
* ...or if you read keyboard using any of these 'non-windows' funcs:
* getch(), gets, cgets, or DOS interupt 0x21
* (works if all keyboard reads are done using wgetc() or wreadc() )
* 5) USER has to press SysRq again to unlock keyboard.
void wSysRq_install ( void (*user_func)(void) );
void wSysRq_remove (void);
void wSysRq_ask (void);
/* w_inDOS()
* test the inDos flag. (useful for writing interrupt handlers)
* Interrupt handler routines sometimes have to test the system state
* (ie, cannot ask for DOS services if interrupt occured while in DOS)
* In most programming environments, this is very complex.
* In this windows environment, it is easy IF you exclusively use wgetc()
* (or related wreadc(), wread_kbd(), wgets(), or mouse funcs)
* (caution: may not work well if you mix methods of keyboard access)
* RETURNS: zero if not in DOS, so is safe to ask for DOS services/
* non_zero if in DOS, do not proceed with DOS calls.
* NOT AVAILABLE in microsoft c.
* example:
* void interrupt my_handler (void)
* {
* if ( ! w_inDOS () )
* {
* ... do whatever you want...
* }
* }
char w_inDOS (void);
/* wclockinstall() and wclockremove()
* pass the on-screen clock a pair of screen co-ords
* where you would like the clock to be. CLOCK format is HH:MM = 5 bytes.
* the clock is automatically removed at program termination. (atexit func)
* NOTE: this clock will run in both text and graphic modes,
* but in graphics modes on EGA/VGA you can get garbage onscreen
* unless you UNINSTALL the clock before doing any graphics output
* and REINSTALL the clock when ready for user keystrokes.
* works OK on hercules cards graphics, though
* TURBOC only.
void wclockinstall (int x, int y);
void wclockremove (void);
/*--------------- window definitions and manipulation ----------------*
* Window definition
* wdefine, wabandon ---> create and destroy windows.
* no actual screen access
* (such as saves/restores, draw frame, clear...)
* usually these functions are less useful
* wopen, wclose -----> create & destroy windows.
* accesses screen:
* wopen saves underlying image
* draws frame.
* wclose restores old image.
* alter window priority
* wreopen, wbury
* window display
* whide, wshow
* Window appearance
* wframe(), wtitle, wps
* change display page.
* wturnpage() wsetvisualpage() ------> change displayed page.
* Window lovation
* wrelocate, wdrag, wmsdrag -----> move windows
* Screen image
* wsave, wrestore -----> save/restore window images.
* *
/*! wopen, wclose, wdefine, wabandon
* wopen - saves the underlying screen contents, attributes and cursor
* opens a new window at specified location, draws border,
* returns the address of the window it opens,
* which you may ignore, or may use to wreopen or wrelocate.
* In (BGI) graphics mode, sets viewport, activepage, etc...
* left, top = screen coords of upper left corner of text portion
* note that any border is above and to left of this.
* Start counting at 0,0
* xmax, ymax = number of columns and rows in window.
* Starts counting at 1,1.
* w0->winxmax will be set to this number -1.
* attr = color for text. first 4 bits = background. low 4 bits = text.
* box = type of border. SINGLE_BORDER, DOUBLE_BORDER, etc..
* boxattr = color for border.
* save2 =WSAVE2NULL ==> no save
* =WSAVE2RAM ==> save underlying contents
* To setup output to a new page,
* change wnextpage before calling wopen().
* If no border is specified, the new window is not cleared.
* If a border is specified, the window is cleared
* wdefine - same as wopen, but does not save underlying image
* and does not clear window or draw frame.
* wclose - restore screen contents, close the current window
* wdefine - allocates storage and sets up window, ready for
* ouptut, but no screen access takes place,
* save areas not allocated, no frame is drawn.
* wabandon - remove the current window from memory,
* but leave its image on the screen.
* note: identical to wclose() but doesn't restore screen.
* see also: wunlink, wlink, wreopen, wbury
WINDOW *wopen
(int x, int y, int xmax, int ymax,
unsigned char attr, int box, unsigned char box_attr,
unsigned char save2 );
/* save modes for wopen
#define WSAVE2NULL 0 /* don't save window */
#define WSAVE2RAM 1 /* save to RAM */
WINDOW *wdefine (int x, int y, int xmax, int ymax,
unsigned char attr, int box, unsigned char box_attr );
void wabandon (void);
#define wclose() ( wrestore(), wabandon() )
/*! wreopen, wbury
* wreopen - make the indicated window the current window.
* the previously open window becomes the second
* window on the chain.
* DOES NOT check for overlapping windows.
* you can get screen garbage by reopenning a window
* with other windows on top of it.
* wbury - make the current window the second-to-last window
* (the last window is the full-screen window)
* this allows reuse of one common window while
* ... maintaining priority relationships amoung other windows
* NOTE: you can wreopen() or wbury() the initial window (wfullscreen)
* but when you bury this window it becomes the last window
* and if you try to wclose(), it will be burried instead.
* That way the wfullscreen window is never closed.
void wreopen ( WINDOW *new );
void wbury ( void );
/*! wrelocate()
* move a window to a new location
* the window must have been created with WSAVE2RAM.
* RETURNS: 0 if successful
* -1 if failure. Can fail because:
* wndow was openned with WSAVE2NULL - cannot restore
* new address out of bounds
* not enough memory to save images of screen
int wrelocate (int x, int y);
/*! wlocate(), wsetlocation(), wstrrowcol()
* tools for automatically sizing and placing windows
* ( commonly used code placed in one spot and easy to use )
* wlocate() : This function determines where to put the top left corner
* based on the type of location specified in wlocation.
* See the definition of struct wlocation.
* wlocation.wloc_type sets allowable places:
* WLOC_CENTER = center of screen
* WLOC_ATCUR = current cursor position
* WLOC_ATWIN = at top.left of window
* WLOC_ATXY = at screen co-ords x,y.
* wlocation.wloc_x and .wloc_y give offset
* example: wlocation.wloc_type = LWOC_ATCUR
* and .wloc_x = 2, wloc_y = -1
* will place window above and to right
* of current screen location.
* Set the desired location prior to calling wlocate().
* The following functions use wlocate()
* wpromptc, wprompts, wpicklist, wform
* so you can change where these windows will appear
* by setting new values in wlocation before call
* NOTE: the value of wlocation is reset after each call
* the default is center of screen.
* PARAMETERS: left, top = address of (int)
* new co-ords will be placed in these
* xmax, ymax = size of desired window.
* RETURNS: void.
* wsetlocation(): a macro that sets up the data
* in the wlocation structure
* Simplifies auto-locating windows.
* location type, x, y -- as above.
* example:
* wsetlocation (WLOC_ATCUR, 1, 1);
* wstrrowcol(): This function is like a 2-dimensional strlen.
* It determines the number of rows and columns
* for a string. It finds the longest row,
* and counts the number of lines.
* IGNORES: \t character, assumes WPUTWRAP is off.
* parameters: text = string to check.
* rows, cols= address of (ints) = answers
void wlocate ( int *aleft, int *atop, int xmax, int ymax );
#define wsetlocation(LOC, X, Y) \
wlocation.wloc_type=(LOC), \
wlocation.wloc_x =(X), \
wlocation.wloc_y =(Y)
void wstrrowcol ( char *text, int *rows, int *cols );
/*! whide() and wshow()
* whide restores the original screen contents,
* which effectively hides the current window
* wshow restores the curren screen contents
* obviously, whide must be called before wshow,
* and if another window is openned in between,
* chaos will result.
* whide() : PARAMETER none, RETURNS void far *
* wshow() : PARAMETER void far *, RETURNS none.
* you have to provide wshow the pointer
* that was returned by whide.
void far *whide ( void );
void wshow ( void far *hideptr );
/*! wframe, wtitle, wps
* draw a box on the screen
* The style types are defined in this header file
* ( see NO_BORDER, SINGLE_BORDER, etc...)
* place a 'title' in the top line of the box
* place a trailing message (like P.S. for a letter) in the bottom line
void wframe (int l, int t, int r, int b,
int style, unsigned char color);
#define wtitle(title) wborderwrite ('t', 'c', (title))
#define wps(footnote) wborderwrite ('b', 'r', (footnote))
void wborderwrite (char line, char justify, char *title);
/*! wsetvisualpage () or wturnpage()
* changes the displayed page.
* does not change which page wputc/wputs etc write to...
* the visual page does not have to match the page of the current
* window
void wsetvisualpage (int page);
#define wturnpage(new) wsetvisualpage( (new) )
/*! wsave, wrestore
* wsave saves current contents of screen indicated by window pointer
* and stores the far * pointer to the save area in winsave.
* NOTE if w0->winsave is not NULL on entry, wsave will use that area.
* to hold the screen image,without checking for area size.
* wrestore restores the screen contents from the save area pointed to
* in the window. Does not free the storage.
void wsave (void);
void wrestore (void);
/*! wdrag()
* Allow user to move a window by keystrokes (arrows, page up/down, etc)
* requires WSAVE2RAM when the window is opened.
* Parameter: keystroke may be any of the ARROWs, HOME, END, PAGE UP/DN
* The current window is moved as indicated by the keystroke.
* ( ARROWs move 5 spaces in that direction,
* HOME moves to left edge, END moves to right edge
* PAGE UP to top of screen, PAGE DN to bottom )
* RETURNS: non-zero (original keystroke) if move was successful.
* 0 if move was not successful, which may be because:
* invalid keystroke, outside screen edge, or WSAVE2NULL
* SEE wmsdrag() below, for improved version.
int wdrag (int keystroke);
/* wmsdrag()
* A keytrap routine to increase mouse usefullness.
* Call this routine once at startup to allow user to drag any window
* Windows which are draggable include:
* 1) must have a border.
* 2) must be called with WSAVE2RAM (underlying image stored)
* 3) in VGA graphics mode, total image size < 64k.
* User activates dragging by clicking on upper left corner of window.
* To use, call wmsdrag() once at beginning of program
* to install the mouse-drag keytrap routine.
void wmsdrag (void);
/* wmspopup ()
* install func to be executed whenever the mouse center button is pressed
* func is function that takes no arguments and returns a keyvalue
* (simplest example: just return FKEY(1) to trigger help screen)
* This allows the center mouse key to act like a hotkey.
* second calls are OK, they just change which function is called.
* calling with NULL inactivates the keytrap.
void wmspopup ( int (*func)(void) );
/* wpopfkey() -
* another keytrap routine to increase mouse usefullness.
* Call once at startup to install this routine.
* (second calls are OK, and can change the FKEY labels used)
* Click center button of mouse brings a popup menu of FKEY 1-12
* This allows mouse to generate FKEY commands.
* PARAMETERS: a NULL terminated list of string ptrs for labels.
* RETURNS: void.
void wpopfkey ( char ** fkey_labels );
/*--------------- control of window contents -------------------------*
* text output:
* wputc(), wputs(), wprintf(), werror()
* wsetattr(), wbright() wdim(), wreverseattr(), wgetattr()
* clear areas of window:
* wclear(), wclearline() wsetc()
* location of text:
* wgoto() wherex() wherey()
* miscellaneous:
* wscroll()
* wgoto()
/*! wputc, wputs, wprintf, werror
* put char or string to current window
* see defines for WPUT... to affect the operation of these routines.
* you can change whether the routines:
* wrap or clip at the right hand edge
* (w0->winputstyle |= WPUTWRAP )
* scroll or goto top of window after last line fills
* (w0->winputstyle |= WINPUTSCROLL )
* use ANSI formatting codes or put IBM-screen graphics
* (w0->winputstyle |= WPUTANSI )
* use \n to return\linefeed or just linefeed
* (w0->winputstyle |= WPUTN2RN )
* (NOTE TurboC cputs/cputc do not \r\n when they see \n
* but puts/putc and all other compilers do \r\n)
* use embedded screen attribute bytes (next byte in string)
* (w0->winputstyle |= WPUTATTR )
* this only works if WPUTALARM is OFF.
* wputc will puts a char to the screen.
* RETURNS 1 if ok to put next character
* 0 if you've hit the window boundary and
* 0 == winputstyle & WPUTSCROLL (bottom edge)
* or 0 == winputsyle & WPUTWRAP (right edge)
* wputs puts a string, following all the ANSI escape codes as defined
* (unless winputstyle & WPUTANSI == 0)
* wputfl puts a 'fixed' size of string. If the provided string is
* too long, it is truncated, if it is too short, the remaining
* length is printed as blanks.
* PARMS: char *s= string, int l= number of bytes to put. RETURNS void.
* wprintf works is like printf, limits text output to window,
* follows rules set in winputstyle,
* does NOT work in tiny model.
* limits total number of bytes to size set by WPRINTF_LIMIT
* ( for longer strings, allocate a buffer, use sprintf)
* werror is like perror for fatal messages.
* If in graphics mode, restores CRT.
* TERMINATES execution.
int wputc (char c);
int wputs (char *s);
void wputfl (char *s, int l);
int wprintf (char *format, ...);
#define WPRINTF_LIMIT 250
void werror (int errcode, char *errmsg);
/*! attr
* wsetattr() -set screen attributes, set bright or dim letters
* attribute = (background color << 4) + foreground color
* valid colors are 0 --> 7
* fourth bit is blink(background) bright(foreground)
* see the enum COLORS above.
* wbright - sets ON highlighting
* wdim - OFF
* wreverseattr() - macro which returns the reversed value of an attr.
* use as follows: wsetattr(wreverseattr(BLUE));
* (sets a BLUE background)
#define wsetattr(x) ( w0-> winattr = (x) )
#define wbright() ( w0-> winattr |= BRIGHT )
#define wdim() ( w0-> winattr &= (0xff - BRIGHT) )
#define wgetattr() ( w0-> winattr )
#define wreverseattr(xx) ( ( ((xx)&0x0f)<<4 ) | ( ((xx)&0xf0)>>4) )
/*! wclear, wclearline
* clear current window using current attribute.
* and clear to end of current line.
* these call wlear abs, which clears an area of screen
* specified in absolute (not window) co-ords.
void wclear (void);
void wclearline (void);
#define wclearln() wclearline()
/*! wsetc
* sets contents of window to a specific character,
* beginning at the current position,
* to the right/bottom corner. Uses current attribute
* PARAMETER: char c = character to set.
* recommend 176 = speckle pattern.
* 206 = double intersecting bars.
void wsetc (char c);
/*! wscroll
* insert a blank line at current cursor postion. scroll up
void wscroll (void);
/*! wgoto
* goto a specified row =x, col =y. (0- winxmax, 0-winymax, inclusive)
* if x = -1, stays in same row (moves up/down)
* if y = -1, stays in same column (moves across)
void wgoto (int row, int col);
/*! wherex() wherey()
* these are pseudofunctions -
* more efficient to use extern globals, cuts out function calls
#define wherex() ( w0-> winx )
#define wherey() ( w0-> winy )
/*------------------------ Keyboard input ---------------------------*
* get input
* wgetc(), wgets()
* keyboard status
* wkbd_enhanced(), wready(), wflush()
* keyboard buffer stuff routine
* wpushc() wungetc()
* cursor control
* wcursor()
* wpipe_in(), wpipe_out()
* wmacro_install(), wmacro_select, wmacro_names()
/*! wgetc, wgets
* get characters from the keyboard and or mouse.
* The lowest level routine is wreadc(). This routine does the following:
* Checks to see if an input pipe (ie, macro) is active. if so, Uses that.
* check mouse to see if it's moved or button clicked.
* if so, maps right button to ESCAPE key value.
* looks for left click on an onscreen 'push button'
* and translates that into appropriate button value.
* returns key value = MOUSE
* checks for keyboard (if not MOUSE).
* maps ordinary keys, scan code keys, and enhanced keys
* passes key value to any active output pipes (ie, macro recorder)
* wgetc() does the following:
* TURNS ON the mouse cursor
* checks to see if either key or mouse hit. If not, waits
* and after 3 minutes, blanks out screen.
* When a user action is available, calls wreadc() to get that action.
* TURNS OFF the mouse cursor.
* passes user key/mouse on to any 'Hotkey' routines.
* If key was used by a hotkey routine, repeats process until
* ...a key is ready to return.
* For most purposes, use wgetc().
* .. you don't have to mess with mouse, it's done for you.
* Use wreadc() if you want to bypass active hotkey routines or menus.
* ... but turn mouse ON first then turn OFF when done.
* ex: wmouse_turn(ON);
* key= wreadc();
* wmouse_turn(OFF);
* wgets uses the arrow keys to provide simple editing, insertion, etc
* nbytes is sizeof(buffer) and includes the terminal \0
* The typed characters are placed correctly in the window.
* Returns the keypress that stopped input (ESCAPE, ENTER, etc)
* The following flags change the behavior of wgets (new for version 2.0):
* WGETS_FORM - used internally by wscanform
* WGETS_INT - accept integer input only, +- signs OK
* WGETS_DEC - accept integers and a single decimal pt
* WGETS_SKIP - auto return when buffer is filled, dont wait for ENTER key
int wgetc (void);
int wreadc (void);
int wgets (int nbytes, char *buffer, char behavior);
/*! wready
* returns 1 if a key (including MOUSE) is ready to read
* Tests enhanced kbd if present.
* 0 if user hasn't typed anything
int wready(void);
/*! wflush
* flushes keyboard and mouse of any prior input.
* does nothing if input pipe (redirection is in effect.
* does not touch the unget buffer.
void wflush (void);
/* wkbd_enhanced() - RETURN 0 if standard (PC/XT) keyboard.
* RETURN non-zero if enchanced (AT) keyboard.
int wkbd_enhanced (void);
/*! keyboard only routines.
* These routines ONLY poll the keyboard. Ignores mouse, pipes, macros,
* and hotkeys. No screen blackout, No 'buttons'.
int wready_kbd(void); /* returns 0 if no key hit (like TurboC kbhit() )*/
int wread_kbd(void); /* returns key value. Maps extended keys */
void wflush_kbd(void); /* flushes input keyboard buffer */
/*! wcursor
* turn cursor ON/OFF. Sets w0->winputstyle |= WPUTCURSOR.
void wcursor (int);
/* keyboard pipes
* input pipes accept input from the pipe rather than the keyboard
* output pipes trap all keyboard/mouse acivity and save keystorkes
* recurrent calls are not supported.
* wpipefin() - provide program input from a file.
* the file stores keys as int (=2bytes each)
* MOUSE input also stores value of wmouse
* PARAMETERS: char *filename - name of file to read
* void (*whendone)(void) - routine to call
* this routine is called at end of file.
* not called if NULL.
* RETURNS: 0 if sucessful installation.
* -1 if file not found, -2 if already installed.
* wpipefout() - record keyboard/mouse activity in a file
* whenever the mouse is used, wmouse is also saved.
* PARAMETERS: char *filename
* int stopcode = key that stops recording
int wpipefin ( char *filename, void (*whendone)(void) );
void wpipefout ( char *filename, int stopcode );
/* keyboard macros
* a simple keyboard macro system, uses pipes as above
* wmacro_install () - install the macro system.
* wmacro_select () - display list of defined macros,
* RETURNS: ALT_n value of choice or ESCAPE
* wmacro_names () - display list of macros, user chooses one.
* PARAMETERS: a message to display in the box
* RETURNS: ptr to table of macro names.
* macro names are stored in a table of 10 names, each 9 bytes
* m_n = wmacro_names();
* puts ( (*m_n)[0] ); prints the 1st macro name
* wmacro_assign () - assign a macro file to an ALT_n key
* PARAMETERS: char *name = 8 letter filename
* (extension .mcr assumed)
* int key = ALT_1 to ALT_0
* assign to this key.
* NOTE: routine does not check if file exists!!
void wmacro_install (void);
int wmacro_select (char *message);
WMACRO_NAMES *wmacro_names (void);
void wmacro_assign (char *filename, int key);
/*------------------------ MOUSE functions --------------------------
* wmouse_init, wmouse_textmask, wmouse_limit, wmouse_move, wmouse_location
/* mouse initialization - used internally, called by winit()
void wmouse_init (void);
/* wmouse_turn () - turn the mouse cursor ON/OFF
* BE SURE that calls to this are accurately paired
* or the mouse driver will go bonkers and loose track.
* NOTE: in EGA/VGA graphics...
* you should always have the mouse OFF before drawing.
* ...including text output in graphics mode.
* Otherwise, you'll get garbage onscreen.
* If you use wgetc() or wgets() to get input,
* this is done for you.
* If you use wreadc() or wmouse_location()
* you should have paired calls
* Usually, you never need to call this function.
* example: wmouse_turn (ON); /* MOUSE cursor visible onscreen */
* delay (100);
* wmouse_location(); /* check for input */
* wmouse_turn (OFF); /* MOUSE cursor no longer visible */
void wmouse_turn (int state );
/* wmouse_move () - move mouse to desired x/y position
* works in either text or graphics mode.
* PARAMETERS: x,y = character position in current window.
* RETURNS: void.
void wmouse_move ( int x, int y );
/* wmouse_move_pixel () - move mouse to desired px/py pixel position
* NOTE unpredictable if currently in text mode.
* PARAMETERS: px,py = pixel position in current window.
* RETURNS: void.
void wmouse_move_pixel ( int px, int py );
/* wmouse_limit ()
* limit mouse movement to current window ( any mode, any video page )
* does not interfere with functions wmouse_location() or wmouse_move...()
* WARNING: be very careful with this function if your program has 'hotkeys'
* or uses pulldown menus, mouse limitations may get messed up.
* PARAMETERS: int ON_OFF: 0= remove limits on movement (full screen)
* non-0= set limits on movement.
void wmouse_limit (int ON_OFF);
/* wmouse_location ()
* check current mouse state,
* accumulate button presses in wmouse structure
* compute mouse location in all coord systems (window/absolute/pixels)
* called by wgetc() and wreadc().
* can be called if you want to query mouse independently of keyboard.
* after done with mouse, set wmouse.wms_internal = 0;
* (this resets mouse 'use' flags
* so wgetc() will ignore mouse use that you processed independently)
void wmouse_location (void);
/* wmouse_flush ()
* flush mouse of pending button events (press, release, etc...)
* and wait for any currently depressed buttons to be released.
* (recognizes all three mouse buttons)
void wmouse_flush (void);
/* wmouse_textmask ()
* allows you to set a different type of mouse cursor.
* The mouse mask is moved into the screen buffer at the mouse location.
* The screen buffer is 2 bytes per display character.
* First byte = attribute, Second byte = character.
* unsigned int screen = "screen mask" is AND'ED onto 2 bytes in buffer
* unsigned int cursor = "cursor mask" is OR'ED onto 2 bytes in buffer
* Example: setup software cursor = invert underlying character
* wmouse_textmask ( 0xffff, 0x7f00 );
* setup a character that overlies display
* wmouse_textmask ( 0x0000, 0x07xx );
* where xx = hex code for desired char ( ie: '*' = 42 = 0x2a )
void wmouse_textmask (unsigned int screen, unsigned int cursor);
/*---------------- keyboard UNGET ----------------------------
* 'unget' a character into the keyboard buffer
* note that this keyboard buffer can also hold MOUSE information
* and is not the same as the ANSI C/DOS ungetc() function.
* also note that the unget buffer is only 1 character long.
#define wpushc(xx) wunget_buffer = (xx)
#define wungetc(xx) wunget_buffer = (xx)
/*--------------------- 'BUTTON' functions -----------------------------*
* buttons are selectable choices onscreen
* associated with either mouse or keyboard action.
* wbutton_add () - add a button to the list.
* install button handler if not yet done
* add new button to linked list
* draws the button onscreen.
* char *text = text to place in button.
* may be longer or shorter than button
* int x, y = x,y position of button in open window.
* int len = length of button, include terminal NULL.
* int value = keyboard bvalue of button.
* unsinged char style = WBTN_BOX to draw a box.
* RETURNS: void.
* WBTN_BOX = draw a box around button
* wbutton_mark () - places a 'mark' to left of a button
* specify the button by the 'button value'
* and the 1-character mark, and attr.
* (Remove the mark by using ' ')
* wbutton_delete() - remove specified button.
* redaw screen without button.
* int value = keyboard value of button
* int how = 0= clear screen area
* 1= rewrite text in current attr
* RETURNS void.
* wbutton_inactivate() - temporarily inactivate button.
* redraws button in current attribute.
* int value = button value
* int how = 0= clear screen area
* 1= rewrite text in current attr
* RETURNS: void.
* wbutton_activate() - reactivate the button.
* redraws button in wbutton_attr.
* int value = button value.
* RETURNS: void.
* wbutton_getptr() - returns ptr to button that matches a value
* or NULL if not an active button.
* int value = keystroke or MOUSE
* WBUTTON *ptr = ptr to button if key is an active btn.
* NULL if key is not an active button.
* NOTES: this function is mostly for internal use,
* but can be used to validate keystrokes.
* wbutton_test() - returns button value or 0 if not a button
* int value = keystroke or MOUSE
* int value = (value) if is a button
* 0 if VALUE is not a button.
* these routines keep linked lists list of currently active buttons
* one list is maintianed for each window.
* when a button is added, wbutton_add()
* checks to see if button-handler is installed
* (less overhead if you never use buttons)
* and installs button handler if needed.
* allocates memory for BUTTON struct and adds to linked list.
* draws button onscreen.
* after buttons have been defined, wgetc() calls the button manager
* and compares mouse use against buttons,
* translates mouse into button value,
* invokes callback function...
* 1) buttons are released by wclose() when window is closed.
* 2) Be sure the same window is active when the
* buttons are created as when keyboard/mouse input is read
* (The routine computes all button positions relative to
* the current window).
* 3) It's OK to wrelocate() or wdrag() the active window.
* 5) multi-line buttons: not allowed.
* Example:
* wopen (10,10, 20,10, WHITE, SINGLE_BORDER, WHITE, WSAVE2RAM);
* wputs ("Are you having fun?");
* wbutton_add ( "YES", 10, 5, 3, 'Y', WBTN_BOX );
* wbutton_add ( "NO", 15, 5, 3, 'N', WBTN_BOX );
* wbutton_add ( "MAYBE", 20, 5, 5, 'M', WBTN_BOX );
* answer = wbutton_test( wgetc() );
* wclose();
* This code is roughly equivalent to the single line:
* key = wpromptc (NULL, "are we having fun?",
* "YES", "NO", "MAYBE", NULL ):
void wbutton_add (char *btext, int bx, int by, int blen,
int bval, unsigned char bstyle );
void wbutton_delete (int bval, int how);
void wbutton_inactivate (int bval, int how);
void wbutton_activate (int bval);
void wbutton_mark ( int bval, char mark );
WBUTTON *wbutton_getptr ( int bval );
int wbutton_test ( int bval );
/* internal button functions
void wbutton_draw ( WBUTTON *, unsigned char );
void wbutton_frame ( WBUTTON *, unsigned char , unsigned char );
/* WSCROLLBAR - routines for vertical mouse-driven scrollbars.
* screen co-ords are mapped into 'virtual' values
* virtual values may go from 0...range set as param to wscrollbar_add()
* to allow user to drag the scrollbar icon, call wscrollbar_scroll()
* (be sure the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON has been pressed)
* wscrollbar_add () - create a scrollbar
* PARAMS: key = a non-keyboard keyvalue (negative is best) for ID
* This value will be returned by wgetc()
* when the mouse clicks on the scrollbar image area.
* x = x-location in window for scrollbar.
* y1, y2= top and bottom locations of scrollbar.
* range = unsigned int value giving virtual position of ptr
* when ptr=y1, virtual position is 0.
* when ptr=y2, virtual value is 'range'
* start = unsigned int = starting virtual value of scrollbar.
* RETURNS: WBUTTON *Bptr = ptr to the scrollbar data, used below.
* wscrollbar_draw() - draw, or redraw scrollbar (ie, after wclear())
* PARAMS: WBUTTON *Bptr = pts to the scrollbar data.
* RETURNS: void.
* wscrollbar_scroll() - allow mouse to move scrollbar ptr onscreen.
* USE: when wgetc() returns the key that identifies the scrollbar,
* the mouse state is: LEFT BUTTON newly pressed, on scrollbar.
* Call wscrollbar_scroll() to track the mouse mvt and get new ptr
* PARAMS: WBUTTON *Bptr = ptr to scrollbar data area
* (obtained from wscrollbar_add() )
* RETURNS: unsigned int newval = new virtual position
* 0 <= newval <= range
* wscrollbar_reset() - provide new virtual position for the scrollbar
* and redraw the ptr onscreen.
* PARAMS: WBUTTON *Bptr = ptr to scrollbar data.
* unsigned int newval = new virtual value.
* NOTES: no error checking is performed. Be careful of following:
* The scrollbar must be AT LEAST 4 bytes long (y2 > y1+3)
* The range must be > 2.
* The key assigned should not be producable on a PC/AT keyboard
* (prog. will lock if a keyboard press activates the scrollbar)
* (negative key values are guaranteed to work)
WBUTTON *wscrollbar_add ( int key,
unsigned char x, unsigned char ytop, unsigned char ybottom,
unsigned int virtual_range, unsigned int virtual_start );
void wscrollbar_draw ( WBUTTON *Bptr );
unsigned int wscrollbar_scroll ( WBUTTON *Bptr ); /*returns virtual_val */
void wscrollbar_reset ( WBUTTON *Bptr, unsigned int new_val );
/*---------------------- dialog routines --------------------------*
* wpromptc ()
* wprompts ()
* wpicklist()
* wscanform()
/*! wpromptc()
* dialog box routines. - prompt user for a single keystroke
* displays a message in a window, waits for the user to press a key
* validates the keypress against the specified response parameter.
* Integrates mouse and keyboard.
* auto_sizing and auto_centering
* you may change location by calling wsetlocation first.
* parameters:
* title = ptr to title string. Ignored if null
* msg = ptr to message for main body of window.
* may be multiple lines. Window sized to fit.
* responses = ptrs to response prompts.
* One 'button' is created for each response.
* an ESCPAE button is automatically created.
* The first character ( alpha or numeric )
* of each string is returned if that string is chosen
* Terminate the list with NULL
* RETURNS: The keypressed by the user, as limitted by response choices
* lowercase is translated to uppercase.
* example: key = wpromptc ("title", "are we having fun",
* "Yes", "No", ESCAPE);
* The only possible return values are ESCAPE, 'Y' 'N'
int wpromptc(char *title, char *msg, ...);
/*! wprompts ()
* prompt user for a string
* works like wpromptc()
* but allows user to type a longer answer.
* the answer is returned in reply
* the key used to terminate input (ENTER, ESCAPE, etc)
int wprompts ( char *title, char *msg, char *reply, int nbytes );
/*! wpicklist()
* user selection from a list of strings; pop-up menu style
* parms: title will be written on the top of the box.
* list is a char **, a pointer to a list of strings
* terminated by a NULL
* RETURNS the offset number for the choice made
* or the offset to the terminating NULLif ESCAPE
* the returned offset to ptr can be used 2 ways:
* 1) char *answer;
* answer = list[ wpicklist (title,list) ] ;
* wputs (answer); <=== answer is a string.
* 2) int n;
* n= wpicklist (title,list);
* (n is the number of the choice 0,1,2,3...)
* neither of these code fragments checked for NULL.
* Long lists ( >10 lines )
* will automatically allow PAGE UP/PAGE DN choices.
* example:
* char *list[] = { "one", "two", "three", "four", NULL };
* response = wpicklist ("<PICK A NUMBER>", list);
* in this example, response will be the choice number
* 0= first element on list, 1=second, etc...
* will index the terminal NULL if ESCAPE was selected.
* NOTE: in large or compact memory models,
* you must be sure entire list is in one segment.
* or list[n] may point to wild data.
* (ie, use a normalized pointer)
int wpicklist ( char *title, char **list );
/*! wscanform() and wprintform()
* interactive versions of printf() and scanf()
* that allow more flexible formatting/interaction
* table-driven -- see definition of WFORM
* the table consists of multipple entries of type WFORM
* example:
* WFORM sample_form [] = { <<< simplified
* data item,
* (optional labels, no data),
* data item,
* last line };
* parameters: title for form and pointer to form table.
* the last line terminates the table with a NULL in the wflabel position.
* the last line also gives the xmax and ymax for the form window
* (be sure to leave enough room for all data & text )
* A validation function may be specified for the whole form.
* See below for description of validation functions.
* If the validation function for the whole form returns non-zero,
* no updating will take place.
* data items may be any type supported by printf/scanf
* EXCEPT: longs, doubles, long doubles and pointers are NOT supported
* variable lengths (%*i) is NOT supported.
* item count reporting (%ni) is NOT supported.
* a picklist may be specified instead of hand-typed entry.
* a form item may be a 'pure label' ie, only the wflabel is printed,
* ie, leave the wfuser field NULL.
* validation functions: Each entry in the WFORM table can call a function
* The pointer to the function is specified in the 'wfvalidate' entry.
* The function prototype MUST look like this:
* int func_name (WFORM *form, char *buffer)
* The function is called each time data is entered into the field.
* Parameters passed to the function:
* WFORM *form ptr to the WFORM entry for this filed.
* char *buffer ptr to the string holding the new value
* The string is AT MOST (form->wflen) bytes.
* The function may optionally communicate errors to the user.
* See below, Tools for form validation functions.
* validation func RETURN: 0 if the data is valid, non-zero if not valid.
* you must specify the length of onscreen display for data items
* length must be enough to hold the data in string form with terminal 0
* length MUST include terminal NULL (ie, 1 more than number bytes to show).
* for string data, length is # bytes that will be returned,
* incl. terminal NULL.
* the x,y positions for data items determine the screen start of the data
* the label is placed before the data.
* Be sure the label fits on current line in the space you provided.
* you can control border color attributes of various form items, see wfmatr_....
* you can control autoskip (=move to next field automatically or wait for TAB)
* by setting wfm_autoskip = WFM_AUTOSKIP; or reset to 0.
* DO NOT use other values.
* wprintform() opens a window, draws the form, and leaves the window open
* with data showing. No data entry or chages to data values occur.
int wscanform (char *title, WFORM *form);
void wprintform (char *title, WFORM *form);
/* WFORM attributes showing defaults */
char wfmatr_lbl, /* CYAN for labels */
wfmatr_lbl_active, /* BLACK on WHITE label indicating active data item */
wfmatr_border, /* CYAN form border */
wfmatr_title, /* CYAN form title */
wfmatr_data, /* CYAN inactive data */
wfmatr_data_active;/* BLACK on WHITE active data item (while typing) */
int wfm_border_type; /* DOUBLE_BORDER */
char wfm_autoskip; /* set to 0 for no autoskip,
* set to WFM_AUTOSKIP for auto skip to next field
/* Tools for form validation functions
* When a form validation function (see above) is called, it is passed
* a ptr to the form table for the current entry and a ptr to the char *
* buffer holding the current value.
* Form validation functions may call the following sub-procedures
* to simplify work.
* wform_showerror() - display an error msg under the field
* If NULL is passed, a standard error message is displayed.
* The error msg must be 1 line and short enough to fit onscreen
* (it is located starting below and to the left of the data)
* wfvall () - pass the start address of the form, and buffer.
* This routine loops through all the fields and calls all
* validation routines one at a time, keeping track of errors.
* Use this function as all or part of the total form validation
* (ie, name the function on the form header line)
void wform_showerror(WFORM *form, char *errmsg);
int wfvall (WFORM *form, char *buffer);
/* miscellaneous form-oriented routines
* date and time validation functions for forms.
* These functions may be specified in WFORM tables.
int wfvdate (WFORM *form, char *buffer);
int wfvtime (WFORM *form, char *buffer);
/*validate a string date in form mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy
* returns 0 if valid, nonzero otherwise.
* also changes contents of the string to eliminate extra spaces, digits,
* etc (result stirng may be shorter than original but will not be longer)
* or validate a time string in the form hh:mm:ss
* WARNING: you must provide at least 9 bytes for this routine's arg
* as the seconds field is filled in if it was left blank.
* ie: "10:30" is converted to "10:30:00"
int wval_date (char *date);
int wval_time (char *time);
void wdtparse ( unsigned int *, char **, char ); /* internal routine */
/*! wfscanform() wfprintform() - file oriented form processing.
* wfscanform - parse a file using a WFORM table.
* parameters: wfscanform(FILE *infile, WFORM *form, char *stopcode)
* infile = ptr to file to parse (already opened)
* form = ptr to WFORM table
* stopcode= ptr to string to stop parsing.
* This procedure is a file-header parser.
* Text files are read and each line is checked to see if
* it matches an item in the WFORM table. If so, the data is
* formatted and placed in the calling program's storage area
* ...as indicated by the table.
* The input file may be in the format:
* KEYWORDdata\r\n
* KEYWORDdata\r\n
* The KEYWORD may have a punctuation mark or whitespace at the end,
* these are ignored for the purposes of comparison.
* So the file may be in any of the following forms:
* KEYWORD: filedata\r\n
* KEYWORD:filedata\r\n
* KEYWORD filedata\r\n
* KEYWORD-filedata\r\n
* KEYWORD$ filedata\r\n
* ONLY 1 punctuation mark may be used as a delimiter,
* but it doesn't have to be the same one each time.
* in each of these cases, the data that will be returned
* will be 'filedata' without the punctuation or leading space.
* However, if no delimiter or space is indicated in the WFORM label,
* then any delimiter found will be included in the data.
* Data may continue to the next line if the last line is a + - or \
* ex: col 0123456789....
* KEYWORD: This is dat+\r\n
* a for the program\r\n
* will be read as This is data for the program.
* Open the input file in either text or binary mode,
* This routine actively ignores \n\r
* and does not depend on fgets() to remove these codes.
* If a KEYWORD is not found in the file, no values are moved to the
* calling program's data area.
* Input stops on FEOF or on an input line entirely contained in STOPCODE
* OK if you specify STOPCODE as DATA: and the input line is DATA\r\n
* or OK if stopcode is DATA and input line is DATA:\r\n (any punct.)
* ie: for a header record, STOPCODE might be DATA: or DATA- or DATA
* as long as the word DATA is all that shows on the line.
* if STOPCODE is DATA: and the input file says DATA- it won't work.
* to display the KEYWORDdata information onscreen, use the same WFORM[]
* and call WPRINTFORM ()
* to create compatible file headers, use the same WFORM[]
* and call WFPRINTFORM[]
* validation functions are not called by wfscanform
* wfprintform -
* the data and labels are printed to a file, one line at a time
* in the order of the table.
* partial example:
* if the table entry is "NAME: ", your_name, ... "%s", ...
* then wfscanform will identify any line beginning with "NAME: "
* and will place the following string data into the buffer your_name.
* for output, wfprintform will type a line that reads: "NAME: John\n"
void wfscanform ( FILE *infile, WFORM *formtable, char *stopcode );
void wfprintform (FILE *outfile, WFORM *formtable );
/*----------------------------- HOTKEYS -----------------------------
* HOTKEYS are specific keys which automatically call up
* functions. When the key is pressed, the function is
* automatically called, and then that key is 'swallowed up'
* so the original function doesn't have to process it.
* F1 for context sensitive help is an example of a hotkey
* routine.
* You associate a key with a function by calling whotkey_install()
* The function should be declared as
* void myfunc(void);
* To associate myfunc() with a key, say the HOME key, call...
* whotkey_install ( HOME, myfunc );
* 1) You cannot de-install a hotkey... you must provide your own
* means for inactivating it if you need to.
* 2) The function will not be called more often than once at a
* time. If the function is currently active the key will be
* 'regular' not hot.
void whotkey_install ( int HOTKEY_keyvalue, void (*myfunc)(void) );
/*-------------------------- TOP MENU LINE ---------------------------*
* wpulldown (), wpulldown_draw(), wpulldown_pages() -
* provide for pulldown menus.
* these functions should be called to install the menu manager
* after winit() but before any other functions.
* parameters:
* WMENU *topmenu = address of NULL-terminated array of WMENU.
* any level of nesting is allowed.
* use wpulldown() for programs on only one video page.
* use wpulldown_pages() for programs that use mult. video pages.
* install these soon after winit () or winit_pages()
* both functions replace the top 2 lines of the screen with menus
* and 'shorten' the fullscreen window to protect the top two lines.
* use one or the other, but not both.
* for wpulldown, the menu is activated whenever an ALT_letter or
* FKEY() in the topmenu is pressed, or by mouse
* !!! any function called by the menu MUST quit when ESCAPE is pressed.
* internally,
* the menu routine uses wungetc(ESCAPE)
* to force functions to quit for moving horizontally
* use wpulldown_draw() to redraw top lines of menu
* set wpulldown_enable to 0 to temporarily turn off menu functions.
void wpulldown ( WMENU *topmenu );
void wpulldown_pages ( WMENU *topmenu );
void wpulldown_draw ( void );
int wpulldown_enable; /* 0=turns off menu default=1*/
/*! function key functions
* defined here so they can be used in a wfkey[10] table.
* see the header wfkey.h for example of how to link these into
* a program
/*-------------------------- HELP system ------------------------------*
* F1 activates context-sensitive help.
* You tell the help system which file has help text when you install help.
* You tell the system which topic to display by setting the whelp_ptr.
* If you are use pulldown menus (wpulldown) or form data entry (wscanform)
* .. the system automatically sets whelp_ptr to the current topic.
* whelp_ptr is a global variable,pts to a help string.
* new ptrs may be assigned to it at any time.
* whelp_install() installs a hotkey- activated help display routine.
* the string pointed to by whelp_ptr is displayed.
* PARAMETERS: the helpfile name (no extension)
* looks for filename.hlp & filename.hx
* 1) you type a standard ASCI file with help text in it.
* each topic starts with '@' in column 1,
* then name of topic (up to 15 bytes), then <CR><LF>
* then up to 5 lines of 50 bytes each of help text.
* sample of a 2 topic help text file: filename MYHELP.HLP
This is help text for topic 1.
This is a second line of help for topic 1.
This is help for second topic.
* 2) run MAKEHX.EXE - makehx.exe is a utility that makes help index files.
* 'C:\>makehx MYHELP' which creates file MYHELP.HX
* 3) In your program MYPROG.C, you call 'whelp_install ("MYHELP");
* 4) Set whelp_ptr to "TOPIC 1" or "TOPIC 2" at various pts in your program.
* EXAMPLES: .C programs that use help: demomenu, demoform, demohkey.
* help text files: demomenu.hlp, demoform.hlp, demohkey.hlp.
void whelp_install(char *filename);
/*! wdos
* a menu or fkey choice, allows execution of DOS commands
* ( NOT available in graphics mode).
void wdos (void);
/*! wexit
* ask user if he/she wants to quit, and exit if 'Y'
void wexit (void);
/*! wunlink(), wlink()
* unlink the current window from the chain of windows.
* the image of the window is saved (pointer winsave).
* the screen is not changed.
* this function is used just before changing modes
* or just before wcloseall
* allows subsequent wlink to re-establish this window
* when you come back to the window's mode.
* RETURNS: pointer to the window if successful, NULL if error
* wlink opens the specified window, restores its image to the screen
* parameter = window pointer obtained by wunlink ()
* windows are linked into the same page as the current window.
* do NOT place a text-mode window on a graphics mode screen
* or vice-versa.
* do not unlink either the last window or the fullscreen window.
* example: winit ('T');
* wopen (... );
* wputs ("A bunch of stuff...");
* my_textwindow = wunlink ();
* init ('G');
* do graphics things...
* winit ('T');
* wlink ( my_textwindow );
WINDOW *wunlink (void);
void wlink (WINDOW *new);
/* WDRAW() - only available in TurboC version.
* allows user to draw an object onscreen.
* returns ptr to allocated data area of type WOBJECT_D_ART
* which contains description of drawn object.
* type = type of object to draw.
* see definition of WOBJECT_D_ART for values of type.
* color, linestyle, thickness = as defined by TURBO C.
* RETURNS: ptr to WOBJECT_D_ART, see funcs.doc
WOBJECT_D_ART *wdraw ( char type, int color, int linestyle, int thickness );
/*------------- HEAP MANAGEMENT --------------------- */
/* This package includes routines to allocate chunks of memory
* to expanded memory, and when that is no longer available, to RAM,
* and when that is used up, to the hard disk. Large chunks of memory
* are especially important for saving underlying graphics images
* when you open a window.
* You can use these 'heap' routines for things other than window storage.
* Expanded memory and disk storage are inefficient ways to handle small
* chunks of data, use farmalloc() ( or in msc, _fmalloc ) for those.
* The largest size chunk that can be allocated as one heap element is
* 64k-16 bytes, given in WHEAP_MAX.
* The amount of far ram used is limitted by the global variable
* wheap_ramlimit.
* Setting wheap_ramlimit to 0 shuts off use of ram (only xms & disk used)
* Setting wheap_ramlimit to very large (1 MEG) allows use of all avail ram
* If you have data that MUST be stored in regular (far) ram,
* or in LARGE model want enough ram left over for important data,
* set wheap_limit large enough to hold that data.
extern unsigned long wheap_ramlimit; /* default is 256k */
void wheap_init ( void ); /* internal use only */
/* wheap_alloc() requests a chunk of heap memory.
* parameters:
* priority (0-255) relates to where it will be stored
* 0 = always stored to disk. Dont clutter up ram with this.
* 1-254 = stored to expanded or ram if room
* if no room, objects of lower priority are swapped to disk
* until room is made.
* if still no room after low priority items are swapped,
* item is allocated on disk drive.
* 255 = never store on disk. very important data item.
* errmsg if NULL, and no storage obtained, wheap_alloc returns NULL
* else, pts to name of module, will be identified as source of error
* ie msg: "Out of heap memory, call from xxxxxxx" is printed
* RETURNS: ptr to WHEAP ( ie to control block for the allocated memory )
* this is NOT the ptr to the memory itself.
* (the memory allocated may not even be in RAM)
* returns NULL only if: No memory on heap and errmsg == NULL
WHEAP *wheap_alloc
(size_t numbytes, unsigned char priority, char *errmsg );
/* wheap_access and wheap_deaccess
* USE: after wheap_alloc() creates a heap element,
* call wheap_access() to bring data into ram (from disk or wherever)
* when done with it, call wheap_deaccess() to free up ram
* heap_ptr = ptr returned by call to wheap_alloc.
* readwrite = a flag.
* for wheap_access() - readwrite= 1 means read data from disk
* (ie: re-accessing prior data)
* readwrite= 0 means don't access disk
* (ie: creating data first time)
* for wheap_deaccess() - readwrite=1 means write data to disk
* =0 means don't save data
* The first time you access data, set readwrite=0.
* When you deaccess it, to save new values set readwrite =1.
* The last time it is de-accessed, just before free(), set=0
void far *wheap_access ( WHEAP *, int readwrite );
void wheap_deaccess ( WHEAP *, int readwrite );
/* free heap element.
void wheap_free ( WHEAP * );
/* wheap_avail() & similar funcitons
* determine amount of RAM available ( ram+xms, ram alone or xms alone )
* returned value does NOT include the amount specified
* by wheap_cushion
unsigned long wheap_availxms ( void );
unsigned long wheap_avail ( void );
/* wheap_swap2dsk()
* swap specified WHEAP object to disk
void wheap_swap2dsk ( WHEAP * );
/* wheap_swapall2dsk()
* swap all WHEAP objects of specified priority to disk
void wheap_swapall2dsk ( int priority );
/* wheap_unlink ()
* swaps from expanded or disk storage to main ram.
* removes control block from heap manager.
* returned address can be released by free() (farfree() in small model)
void far *wheap_unlink ( WHEAP * );
/* wheap_freeall ()
* cleanup heap, release xms blocks, free main storage, delete disk file
* called internally at program shutdown.
void wheap_freeall ( void );
/* wmalloc ()
* this is a 'shell' routine to malloc()
* alleviates need to always check for successful allocation
* and takes care of segmentation/normalization in LARGE model.
* PARAMETERS: nbytes = number of bytes to allocate
* errmsg = if no memory allocated, issue this msg and exit
* if errmsg is NULL, and no memory avail,
* ... then return to caller.
* errmsg should be less than 12 bytes.
* RETURNS: ptr to allocated data.
* NULL if no memory AND errmsg was NULL.
void *wmalloc ( size_t nbytes, char *errmsg );
/* wfarmalloc ()
* allocate far memory, NORMALIZE pointer, test for error
* if no memory obtained && errmsg!=NULL, print msg and exit.
* && errmsg==NULL, return NULL to caller.
* errmsg should be less than 12 bytes.
void far *wfarmalloc ( unsigned long nbytes, char *errmsg );
* just like ANSI-realloc, except:
* PARAMETERS: void * ptr - ptr to reallocate.
* size_t nbytes - new size.
* char * err_msg - if not NULL and memory not avail,
* wrealloc() halts program & writes errmsg
* errmsg should be less than 12 bytes. long.
void *wrealloc ( void *ptr, size_t nbytes, char *errmsg );
/* whplj_dump()
* FAST screen dump routine for laserjet II printers.
* USES Printer Control Language level III (PCL) for HP and compatible ptrs.
* 1) this screen dump uses 2 features to make it FAST
* A) reads one byte (=8pixels) at a time from the screen
* (most commercial drivers seem to read 1 pixel at a time)
* B) writes to printer using compaction mode 1
* 2) routine dumps screen for any text mode or any graphics mode.
* (automatically senses mode)
* 3) on color monitors in graphics dithering is same as for hercules:
* any pixel with either GREEN or BLUE is printed
* ie: GREEN, CYAN, YELLOW, PURPLE are; RED is not.
* 4) print resolution and aspect ratio set automatically
* to print image of screen as large as possible inside 8*11 paper
* 5) VGA 50 line text mode: entire 50 line screen is printed (or EGA 43)
* 6) multiple video page programs: printing is the active page
* (not necessarily the display page)
* NOTE: limitation of DOS PrtScrn always prints page 0.
* usage: pass routine a FILE pointer. Use stdprn to get DOS printer
* Use a pointer to an open BINARY mode output file
* to save a set of HPLJ commands to a disk file
* then later execute dos command: TYPE FILENAME > LPT1:
* function whplj_install () installs screen dump routine as a hotkey activated.
* asks if dump should be to printer or file
* files are named "HPLJ###.PCL" and numbered up from 0.
void whplj_dump (FILE *f);
void whplj_install (int key);
/* ---------------------- End of FUNCS.DOC ---------------------------- */